
Friday, January 13, 2012

Let Me Know When The Train Comes

Daddy, I wrote this to you a few days before you passed away.  I was awaken in the night, and the Spirit moved me to write.

Let Me Know When The Train Comes

Let me know when the train comes
got my bags packed
I'm ready to go

I hear the train a-coming
chug-a-chug-a chug-a-chug
Yet, I can't see it in sight

I'm trapped in a peripheral space
Tubes in, respirator in place
Tell me when the train comes
So I can get out of this place

I've served my time,
I'm free to go
Yet, I can't move
The ones I love keep holding on

The train seems late
I'm waiting at the gate
Let me know when the train comes

I smell the smoke of the train
I hear its wheels on its tracks
I'm ready to go
But something, someone
Keeps holding me back

I see the train right in sight
The light ahead is very bright
My loved ones say their last farewells
The plugs and tubes come out
I'm free to go

The train is at the gate
I step on
I wave and say
"Until we meet again"
"Until we meet again"

Written by Yvette Porter Moore


  1. Just knowing that you will meet again must be comforting to you. Your writings always touch me. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you Robbie. ;-) It is comforting.
